
Fair pri­cing, per­ma­nently sta­ble elec­tri­city price. Sim­ply favorable.


Fair pri­cing, per­ma­nently sta­ble elec­tri­city price. Sim­ply favorable.

Our data centers are an asset in every respect – not only ecologically, they also make economic sense.

Because we use exis­ting infra­struc­tures and elec­tri­city from our own pro­duc­tion, syn­ergy effects arise that have a posi­tive impact on pri­cing. This enables us to make attrac­tive offers to our customers.

Low electricity prices in the long term

We obtain over 90% of the wind power directly from the wind tur­bine. This offers clear price advan­ta­ges and also saves on the grid char­ges that would other­wise be incurred.

Competitive advantage through future-oriented alignment of your company

Set the stan­dard among com­pe­ti­tors by alig­ning your com­pany sus­tain­ably and bene­fit from lower CO2 emissions.

Price advantage through use of existing infrastructure

Because we use exis­ting buil­ding, power and fiber infra­struc­ture, we save costs and can pass this price advan­tage directly on to our customers.

Real marketing benefit

wind­CORES means an image gain for your com­pany: With your IT in our data cen­ters, you belong to the pio­neers in the field of GREEN IT.

Short construction times

Because buil­dings, power and data con­nec­tions are available, we can set up your wind­CORES quickly. This makes it pos­si­ble for us to rea­lize even large pro­jects in a com­pa­ra­tively short time.

Our windCORES expert

You want to make your IT sus­tainable and the
wind­CORES con­cept has arou­sed your inte­rest? I look for­ward to hea­ring from you. 

Daniel Peitz

Our windCORES expert

You would like to make your IT sus­tainable and the
wind­CORES con­cept has arou­sed your inte­rest? I look for­ward to hea­ring from you.

Daniel Peitz

How can we help you?