
We use exis­ting buil­dings, infra­struc­ture, fiber optics and 100% green elec­tri­city. That’s CO2-neu­tral and sim­ply smart.


We use exis­ting buil­dings, infra­struc­ture, fiber optics and 100% green elec­tri­city. That’s CO2-neu­tral and sim­ply smart.

Our data centers are climate-friendly because they are CO2-neutral.

We use what is alre­ady there: A wind tur­bine is the per­fect place for a data cen­ter. It offers suf­fi­ci­ent space, has powerful grid and data con­nec­tions, and sup­plies the clean elec­tri­city to run the data cen­ter. The simp­lest solu­ti­ons are often the best: we sim­ply place the con­su­mer in the gene­ra­tor. You can’t get more sus­tainable than that.

100% regional, genuine green electricity — without certificate fraud

For our wind­CORES, we use over 90 per­cent of the clean wind power directly from the wind tur­bine. If the wind does not blow, we obtain the elec­tri­city from the grid. In doing so, we gua­ran­tee 100% genuine green elec­tri­city from other wind energy and pho­to­vol­taic plants as well as hydro­elec­tric power plants.

No greenwashing

Our elec­tri­city is 100% cer­ti­fied green elec­tri­city and is not green­wa­shed by cer­ti­fi­ca­tes or gua­ran­tees of origin.

For a real ecological CO2 balance

With green IT, you make the dif­fe­rence. While 420 grams of CO2 will be emit­ted for one kWh of elec­tri­city in con­ven­tio­nal data cen­ters in 2021, the figure for wind­CORES is just 10.75 grams.


Use of existing infrastructure

We build data cen­ters in wind tur­bi­nes and use the infra­struc­ture that alre­ady exists. We don’t have to seal land, build buil­dings and create infra­struc­ture, because buil­dings, elec­tri­city, fiber optic con­nec­tions are alre­ady there.

Our windCORES expert

You want to make your IT sus­tainable and the
wind­CORES con­cept has arou­sed your inte­rest? I look for­ward to hea­ring from you. 

Daniel Peitz

Our windCORES expert

You want to make your IT sus­tainable and the
wind­CORES con­cept has arou­sed your inte­rest? I look for­ward to hea­ring from you.

Daniel Peitz

How can we help you?