We ope­rate cloud solu­ti­ons and data cen­ters in wind tur­bi­nes. Sus­tainable, secure and fast.


We ope­rate cloud solu­ti­ons and data cen­tres in wind tur­bi­nes. Sus­tainable, secure and fast.

With windCORES, we think wind power further — and thus also take care of a sustainable, digital future.

As part of the West­fa­len­WIND group of com­pa­nies, we have been dri­ving the energy tran­si­tion with wind power and pho­to­vol­taics for many years. In addi­tion to this, wind­CORES was deve­lo­ped from this basic idea. Wind tur­bi­nes become CO2-neu­tral data cen­tres. This is uni­que in the world.


Data secu­rity from Ger­many. Pro­tec­ted by rein­forced con­crete and red­un­dancy. So abso­lut­ely secure.


We use exis­ting buil­dings, infra­struc­ture, fibre and 100% green elec­tri­city. This is CO2-neu­tral and sim­ply smart.


Fair pri­cing, per­ma­nently sta­ble elec­tri­city price. Sim­ply favourable.

Flexible and scalable

From simple web ser­vers to com­plex vir­tual machi­nes in the cloud area. In the colo­ca­tion area, cus­to­mers can place their hard­ware in spe­ci­fic height units or even entire racks.

Professional and fast

Direct con­nec­tion to the inter­net hub in Frank­furt with up to 400 GBit/​s in red­un­dant lines: 3.5 ms latency — it does­n’t get any faster.

windCORES — for the green future of your company

With our cloud and colo­ca­tion solu­ti­ons, we make your IT fit for the cli­mate-neu­tral future.

CO2 savings potential
0 kg

With our wind­CORES you save over 400g CO2 for every kWh of elec­tri­city, which is an annual CO2 saving of approx. 14 ton­nes for just one rack with an average power draw of 3 kW.


What our customers say


“Our part­ner­ship with wind­CORES hits the nerve of the times:

As an IT ser­vice pro­vi­der, we want to estab­lish sus­tainable IT solu­ti­ons throug­hout Ger­many. For us, it is natu­ral and the only right way to inte­grate rene­wa­ble ener­gies into our con­cepts. The idea of Wind­cores sup­ports our green approach, is extre­mely inno­va­tive and for­ward-loo­king. Tog­e­ther we offer our cus­to­mers the per­fect Green IT Cloud. It does­n’t get any gree­ner than this.”

Jan Schrie­wer, CSO Green IT Das Sys­tem­haus GmbH

What our customers say


Cris­tie Data has stood for relia­ble sto­rage, backup and dis­as­ter reco­very solu­ti­ons for 50 years. Foun­ded in 1969 in Stroud, Eng­land, the group of com­pa­nies sup­ports more than 300,000 instal­la­ti­ons of its pro­prie­tary BMR soft­ware world­wide. For more than 20 years, Cris­tie Data GmbH has focu­sed on solu­ti­ons for data sto­rage, data secu­rity and data management. 

In addi­tion to data sto­rage, this also includes intel­li­gent sto­rage manage­ment and meta­data manage­ment as well as long-term archi­ving and file retrieval.

What our customers say


With aixit, we have found a part­ner that has accu­mu­la­ted over 20 years of know­ledge and exper­tise as a data centre ser­vice pro­vi­der in the areas of cloud and ser­vices, colo­ca­tion, housing, hos­ting & sto­rage, secu­rity, con­nec­ti­vity and DDos pro­tec­tion. Tog­e­ther with wind­CORES, aixit – which is one of the lea­ding com­pa­nies in Ger­many – wants to shape the digi­tal mar­ket in an incre­asingly sus­tainable way.

The claim of aixit GmbH is to look for opti­mal solu­ti­ons for the ope­ra­tion of infra­struc­ture for its cus­to­mers, be it ser­ver housing in the data cen­ter, giga­bit con­nec­tion of offices or DDoS pro­tec­tion of indi­vi­dual pro­jects. With wind­CORES, the cus­to­mer’s wish for more cli­mate neu­tra­lity is now also served.

What our customers say


“Zat­too streams cli­mate neu­trally. The idea of brin­ging com­pu­ting capa­city clo­ser to energy pro­duc­tion and ther­eby tap­ping into both unu­sed space and coo­ling the­r­e­fore imme­dia­tely exci­ted us. It is as simple as it is inge­nious. A real suc­cess model that we hope will set a precedent.”

Ste­fan Lietsch, CTO & Cli­mate Offi­cer at Zattoo




The West­fa­len-Blatt reports on rese­arch pro­ject in our windCORES

Fede­ral govern­ment funds new pro­ject of the Uni­ver­sity of Pader­born with 2.5…

Sus­tainable and hig­hest com­pu­ting power thanks to wind energy: Fede­ral govern­ment funds rese­arch pro­ject with wind­CORES participation

High-per­­for­­mance com­pu­ting (HPC) has become an important method in many sci­en­ti­fic fields,…

SPD lea­der Kut­schaty impres­sed by wind­CORES con­cept during visit

At the invi­ta­tion of the West­fa­len­WIND Group, Tho­mas Kut­schaty, the SPD state…

“Cheap elec­tri­city from rene­wa­bles must also be able to flow”: Johan­nes Lack­mann with Mar­kus Lanz on ZDF

A large num­ber of posi­tive reac­tions and con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons from all over Germany…

You­tuber Patrick Nie­der­mayer explains windCORES

You­Tuber Patrick Nie­der­mayer came across our wind­CORES con­cept through his actual job.…

Our windCORES expert

You would like to make your IT sus­tainable and the
wind­CORES con­cept has arou­sed your inte­rest? I look for­ward to hea­ring from you.

Daniel Peitz

Our windCORES expert

You would like to make your IT sus­tainable and the
wind­CORES con­cept has arou­sed your inte­rest? I look for­ward to hea­ring from you.

Daniel Peitz

How can we help you?